Who am I
I already talked about the whole finding myself, or no I talked about how I lost myself. I actually had a classy existential crises a couple of weeks back about that, ending with me crouching in the balcony asking my horrified coyears what I am doing in this life.
Okay, instead of telling you some great story of me, working in the library, being sick and then spending three days at a host family, which eventually lead me to the great conclusion, that I am Julia, 17 years old, diagnosed with whatever type of personality testyourself.com gave me.
I will tell you I honestly have no clue what I am doing. My life has been turned upside down and although I admit just throwing away everything I used to do, think and be wasn’t exactly the easiest plan for my first couple of months here.
So I am going to try to write some kind of introduction who I am.
(That by the way is exactly what you need after an existential crisis: people coming up and asking you: tell me a bit more about yourself. And then there’s me sitting there: „Well ehm I really don’t know, I can tell you who I was in Berlin and what I did last week and what I am planning to do next week, but really sorry, I don’t know)
Wow, this is not really how I planned this to go, 317 words without actually naming anything that’s a fact about me, let’s try this again:
I am Julia, I am 17 years old and two months ago, I moved from Berlin to Singapore in order to finish High School at the United World College of South East Asia.
I love singing. I am a great musical fan and anyone with that same addiction will instantly become my new best friend.
I love writing, can quote from The Fault in Our stars, Pride and Prejudice and Twilight(sorry)
love movies, never watch Titanic to the end, can lip-synch a bunch of Castle Episodes and the first and last high school musical movie.
Let’s see... What are other first class, let’s question your life conversation starters?
Right, what do you want to do later?
Usual answer: I don’t know
Truth: Everything! I want to be psychologist, who works with kids and companies, writes books and sings in concerts from time to time, I want to help people and make them smile, I just have to find a job with that work description.
Favorite Question: How did you hear about UWC?
Usual Answer: A friend told me about it.
Truth: A friend did tell me about it, but I actually never liked international schools before, which I have totally changed my mind about now. Obviously.
What hobbies do you have?
Usual answer: Well I love theatre, my choir play the guitar.
Truth: IB, CAS and the Boarding House. Initiative for Peace, Service and Voices for Refugees aren’t really a hobby, I guess...
Where do you wanna go to University?
Answer: The US
Truth: Whatever I can afford :D
Why are you vegetarian?
Answer: I never really liked meat and I think it’s more sustainable.
Truth: I really don’t know. I guess that was part oft he whole „New Identity“ thing. I just wanted to see if I can actually do it
What are your IB subjects?
1.Psychology 2. Bio 3.Film 4.Maths 5.German 6.English
questioning gender identity, watching disturbing documentaries (hrm.David Reimer.hrm) making brains out of salt dough, asking a lot of „what if“ questions
Okay listen, when the head of grade asked me in a skype interview half a year ago, why I chose Bio and I said „Well the German governments requires a science HL and I am really bad at chemistry and physics“ I did not expect him to be my future biology teacher... I have to admit that I quite enjoy it though.
Film is the best decision I ever made. I love it.
Maths. I am surviving. I think. Let’s end it with that.
German is great. Wenn ich noch Deutsch sprechen könnte... Schreckliche diese Sprache
My teacher contacted the author of the book we’re reading right now and now we can actually talk to him which is amazing!
How do you like living in a boarding house?
Answer: I really like it. It’s very nice.
Truth: Well, how is living with your parents? It has wonderful and annoying sides, I guess.
Why did you come to UWC
Answer: I liked the service and internationalism. Or something. *Confused look
Truth: Well that is actually really personal. That’s why you’ll probably find the answer here somewhere on this blog.
What do you miss most about Germany
Answer: My choir
Truth: okay, I do really miss my choir. But I also kind of miss waking up and having a totally predictable day in front of me. But only in my weak seconds. I love it here.
Why do you speak Swedish
Answer: I lived in Finnland
Truth: That is a really long and complicated story.
If you could be an animal, which one would you be and why? (Okay people don’t really ask me that. Would be cool though)
Truth: A Lion. Because Lion king.